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Grant writing support for Dutch NWO and other EU country/agency grant applications

'We offer a personal, individually tailored and educationally focussed journey of excellence.'

Preparing for any research grant is a challenging and time consuming process - on top of the everyday challenges of academic life. Our focus is on making this process as enjoyable and as stress free as posssible - for all individuals that we work with.

All of our work is also educationally focussed. We teach researchers how to better review their own work and further enhance their presentation and strategic analysis skills – all of which can be taken and used into the future with other granting bodies and schemes.

A hallmark of the way in which we work with applicants is the numerous interactions throughout the support process - allowing for a fully personalised trajectory for each applicant that we support.

Our research grant support services include assistance with support in the writing and review of:

  • Dutch NWO proposals: E.g. NWO Open Competition Proposals, NWO Summit Grants, NWO Gravitation Proposals, ZonMw

  • (For NWO Talent scheme proposals, click here) 

  • Other Dutch Scientific Research Funding Schemes, e.g. Dutch Cancer Society

  • Other EU country grant applications, including, but not limited to German, Belgian, Swedish, and Spanish granting agencies


  • Our feedback on drafts is highly personalised, in-depth, direct and to the point, and should we identify weaknesses in a proposal, we will always work at providing the applicant with suggestions and/or options as to how the weakness can be remedied.

  • All of our work is educationally focussed. I.e. the applicant learns more than just how to write an ERC grant. We teach researchers how to better create and define a proposal concept, how to better review their own work, enhance their grant writing skills – all of which can be taken and used into the future with other granting bodies and schemes.

  • When any of our clients interact with us, they will find us to be down to earth and approachable professionals, who have a real passion for what we do, and we understand and appreciate how busy the life of an academic can be.

  • All of our work is based on a strong process-driven foundation.

  • We believe in honesty and transparency, and in building strong and healthy relationships with our clients.

Our method of delivery is via (1) personal ‘one-on-one’ online coaching and feedback sessions; and (2) online via email. The breakdown of this is individually tailored to each individual (some applicants may find online meetings more helpful, whilst others may have more of a preference for working more though email.

You will work directly with with either Fire Sanders or Willem Bouma, both qualified and experienced senior trainers. Both Willem and Fire have experience working with all panels and areas of research, and have worked with numerous applicants and institutions throughout around Europe and beyond. 

We have over 15 years (specifically) working on European, Dutch and other national research grant proposals - and over 25 years experience with scientific promotion cases, research grant applications, interview training, review and editing of high impact research journal articles and writing nominations for prestigious prizes and awards. We specialise in what we do and offer.

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Hello. Thank you so kindly for your message and query. We will respond to you within 24 hours, and most often quicker than this. Kindest of regards, Fire and Willem @ Whitehorne