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Some of the clients that we have worked with include (not a full list):

Achucarro Basque Center for Neuroscience Fundazioa; Aarhus University; Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg; Amsterdam Medical Center; Basque centre for Climate Change; CNRS (France); CENIEH; CSIC (Spain); Catholic University of Sacred Hearth; Centrum Wiskunde &  Informatica, Amsterdam; Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin; Chemnitz University of Chemistry; DWI – Leibniz Institute for Interactive Materials; Erasmus Medical Center Rotterdam; Erasmus University Rotterdam; Fundacio Institut d'investigacio Santiaria Pere Virgili; Fundación General de la Universidad de Burgos; Georg-August-Universität Göttingen; INAF (Italy);  Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia; Instituto de Ciencia De Materiales De Madrid; Inserm (France); IMDEA; IPHES (Spain); Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz; Leeds Beckett University; Norwegian University Of Science And Technology; OPERUM. Södertörns högskola; Universidad de Murcia; OTRI; Oxford University; Polytechnic University Of Valencia; Radboud University; Royal Netherlands Institute For Sea Research; RWTH Aachen University; Technical University Of Delft;  Technische Universität Chemnitz; Tilburg University; UBU (SPAIN); Universidad Autonoma De Madrid; Universidad de Burgos; Universidad de Jaén; Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea; Universidad de Málaga; Universitat Politècnica de València; Universite Claude Bernard Lyon 1; University College Cork; Université Libre de Bruxelles; Universidad de Huelva; Universidad de Granada; Universidad de Jaén; Universidad de Málaga; Universidad Del Pais Vasco; Universita degli Studi delia Tuscia; Universidade de Vigo; Universidad Publica De Navarra; Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore; University of Bern; University of Bonn; University of Amsterdam; University Of Bern; University Of Bordeaux;  University of Genoa; University Of Groningen; University of Gothenburg; University of Graz; University of Haifa; University of Lausanne; University of Leiden; University of Mannheim;  University of Melbourne; University of Minho (Portugal); University of Montpellier; University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna; University of Oulu, University of Rome Tor Vergata; University of Seville; University Medical Center Groningen; University of Turku (Finland); University of Twente; Teagasc (Ireland); Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Wageningen University

We love our work - and are passionate about what we do. But we also love balance in our lives.

In 2018, we decided to leave our home in Europe and return to Australia in order to be close to the Australian bush that we love so much. Open spaces, birds galore and our favourite trees, the River Red Gums.

In our downtime, we also love to take photos.

* Some of the main photos you see at the top of each page, are places around the world that hold a special meaning to us.