New announcement. Learn more

If you would like to contact us:

If you have any questions, if you would like further information about how we can be of assistance, please contact us via the form below. We will respond to your request within 24 hours.

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Hello. Thank you so kindly for your message and query. We will respond to you within 24 hours, and most often quicker than this. Kindest of regards, Fire and Willem @ Whitehorne

Contact details

Office Hours
9am-8pm weekdays
We generally will respond to emails outside of theses office hours.

P: +61 (0) 490 673 746

Our Office Locations are in both Euroa and Benalla, Victoria, Australia

Postal Address:
PO Box 128 Euroa Victoria 3666 AUSTRALIA

We love our work - and are passionate about scientific research and what we do. But we also love balance in our lives.

In 2018, we decided to leave our home in Europe and return to Australia in order to be close to the Australian bush that we love so much. Open spaces, birds galore and our favourite trees, the River Red Gums.

The photo on the left is our working office - 'Couer et Ame' (Heart and Soul). When we are not at the computer working, we are busy in our garden, with our organic vegetables and fruit trees, and kept company by our cats and our chooks. 

The other photos are of some stunning nature not too far from where we live.